Please support our friends from Tilt. They are incredibly close to reaching their goal. If you ever downloaded Self Helpless for free then show some love by kicking a dollar or two towards some great people who are working their asses off to make their first feature film.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Support for Tilt
Posted by Self Helpless at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
A Peek Behind The Genius
Yes, this is an actual pre-production note. I found it today amongst a stack of shot lists, script drafts, and storyboards drawn on post it notes.
Posted by Self Helpless at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Success!! I want to thank everyone who has helped with the bittorrent/widget release of Self Helpless. Thanks to your support our little movie has been viewed and downloaded OVER 60,000 TIMES IN ONLY ONE MONTH!!!! We have been receiving emails from people around the world who have become fans of the movie. Check out this awesome message from a fan in the UK:
"As for my support, thanks for making something worth supporting. I totally love finding free services/media/etc. out there, and i probably spend more of my money on them than the pricey mainstream stuff (and proudly so). Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of bullshit out there, but you guys made an incredibly well thought up, funny movie, and put it together perfectly. Especially wanted to credit the production quality for an indie film. Top stuff. "
Our hope with Self Helpless was to get the movie seen by as many people as possible, and you have made this a reality. Thank you.
We need your help to continue to move Self Helpless forward. If you have streamed or downloaded Self Helpless, please consider picking up a DVD, t-shirt, mug, or ashtray from our store. If you are short on cash we have a digital download of the ad-free director's cut available for under $10. All of our merchandise was designed in house, and made in the USA. To thank our fans for their support, we have created a thank you page where you can pick up a discounted DVD or digital download. Anything you can afford makes a huge difference.
Discounted merchandise here:

Posted by Self Helpless at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Self Helpless on East Village Radio
Posted by Self Helpless at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Self Helpless and Devin The Dude: NYC and Boston Shindigs
We are hitting the road with Devin The Dude for two of his East Coast tour stops. We are throwing Self Helpless after parties for Devin's NYC and Boston shows. DJ John Candy will be on the turntables, and we will be projecting your favorite scenes from Self Helpless. Great music, a great movie, and Devin The Dude. Should be a blast.
Devin puts on a GREAT show, and he will have his entire Coughee Brothaz crew with him. A ticket to the show gets you into the after party for FREE and gets you $5 off a Self Helpless DVD.
Posted by Self Helpless at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Download Self Helpless For FREE - the widget campaign begins
Posted by Self Helpless at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Self Helpless on VEEHD.COM
I want to send a big shout out to the folks at VEEHD.COM. They posted Self Helpless front and center on their site. VEEHD is tight. They have over 100,000 dedicated members. They are very professional, and they love to support good independent producers. I am surprised that there isn't more talk about sites like VEEHD and NinjaVideo in the indie film circles. Streaming sites like these have dedicated audiences of folks who really like movies. We have gotten a ton of emails from people who saw Self Helpless on VEEHD and loved it. Check out some of the cool stuff they have on their site, and feel free to pass it on.
Thanks VEEHD!
Posted by Self Helpless at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Adios 4/20 Release
So, we sort of semi-pseudo leaked that we might be releasing the movie on 4/20. As much as we wanted to have something fresh to pass around on the day of passing freshness around, our supplier ran dry. Fear not! We are working hard to get some good, potent product together. We will roll something up and pass it your way very soon. And as always, the first hit will be free.
Until then, you can check out Self Helpless on Ninjavideo and Mininova. Both sites kick ass, and have shown us a ton of support.
More soon.
Posted by Self Helpless at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Ninja Video Is The SHIIIIT
Posted by Self Helpless at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Self Helpless is Available On Bittorrent [updated links]
Posted by Self Helpless at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Devin the Dude, low budget, marketing, production
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Official Bit Torrent Release: Friday 4/16
We are proud to announce that Self Helpless will be released for free on bittorrent on Friday, April 16th 2010. The film will be available as a free and legal download exclusively on bittorrent for 4 days. After this 4 day bittorrent-only release we will not make any effort to remove the film. It is yours, enjoy. We had planned to release Self Helpless for a 7 day bittorrent-only run, but we ran into some technical issues over the last few days. The DVD release will begin on 4/20.
Posted by Self Helpless at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Devin the Dude, low budget, marketing, production
We Want You To Be Cool
I know we usually reserve this blog for posts about Self Helpless, but I wanted to drop a little cool on errbody for a second. While we were at SXSW we took time off from throwing Self Helpless condoms at people to put together the EOW Entertainment x Living Proof Magazine project. We interviewed 9 of the freshest musicians, filmmakers, animators, and DJs at the festival. You may already be familiar with one or two of these folks, but I guarantee you will discover some new dopeness. All of these people are on the come up and are making the art that we will be looking at and listening to in the future.
If you want to stay up on shit in the future - Living Proof Magazine comes highly recommended. You can find the small-format print version wherever you go to blow your tax return on fly gear. That thing is ghosty, it'll just be on the shelf at Supreme next to some super-double-extra-exclusive kicks, or there might be a copy next to the mixer at Fat Beats. You never know. But you can always catch up on the heat at The digital version of the mag is available for download, and the blog is updated on the reg with mint photography, painting, graffiti, graphic design, mixtapes, all that good stuff.
Here are the links to the articles in no particular order:
1) Bad Rabbits - My favorite new band.
2) Harry Chaskin - Animator, and true-school stop motion aficionado.
3) Homeboy Sandman - One of the most talented MCs coming out of NYC.
4) Sol Friedman - His animated short, Junko's Shamisan is just badass.
5) Jon Reiss - O.G. filmmaker is still on the cutting edge. One of our mentors.
6) Travis Senger - I just can't love White Lines and The Fever: The Death of DJ Junebug any more.
7) Peter Ahern - Peter's short was like Calvin and Hobbes meets Ren and Stimpy. Sweet.
8) Johanne St-Marie - Just watch the fucking video and you will realize why she rules.
9) DJ Neil Armstrong - Mixtape legend, Jay-Z's tour DJ, and my favorite DJ of all time.
You are now cooler than all of your friends. You're welcome.
Posted by Self Helpless at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Christy Dena Will Help You Be More Successful
Posted by Self Helpless at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: christy dena, distribution, film, indie, transmedia
Monday, February 22, 2010
Where We At
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by Self Helpless at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: comedy, distribution, DIY, film, funny, independent
Thursday, February 11, 2010
You, literally, sound like a moron.
I know we usually stick to DIY film distribution ranting and tales of questionable girls we have hooked with at Self Helpless screenings, but I felt the need to address an important issue in today's society for a moment: the rampant incorrect use of the word "literally".
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Sensation of Sight and The Power of Local
The Sensation of Sight is a truly independent film that was shot next door to us in New Hampshire. You can check out their excellent website here. The film's executive producer, Buzz McLaughlin, has been writing an illuminating series of blog posts about the film's distribution adventures. His most recent post detailed how his team was able to translate successful theatrical runs in indie theaters in New Hampshire to national recognition and an eventual distribution deal.
I won't recycle the entire blog post, but one piece of information was particularly interesting. After The Sensation of Sight sold out their opening weekend in New Hampshire, the theater reported their sales for that weekend to a number of national media services. Because of this, Variety listed the film at #4 in national per-screening box office gross for that weekend. This put The Sensation of Sight in front of a lot of people's eyes. I was completely unaware of this sales reporting system. Had we understood this aspect of the game, we might have been able to leverage this national reporting system to generate some press when Self Helpless sold out the Brattle theater in Boston, and the Roxy in Burlington, VT.
Check out The Sensation of Sight, and never underestimate the power of local, even if you live in a place where cows outnumber people!
Posted by Self Helpless at 10:26 AM 3 comments
Labels: distribution, DIY, film, independent, local, New Hampshire, theatrical, Variety
Friday, January 8, 2010
How to exxxttteeeeeeend our film's life?
Jon Reiss recently addressed an interesting topic on his blog. Jon's post was a response to an article by Brian Newman which you can see here. Basically, they are talking about rethinking the "life" of a film. Generally films put a ton of time, money, and energy into pre-release PR. The goal is to build as much buzz as possible so as to maximize the exposure of their release. After the release, that's it. The movie is out there and people buy it, watch it, download it, whatever. While Jon feels that pre-release PR is very important because this is what puts a film on the media map, he and Brian also suggest that filmmakers consider putting more into the post-release life of their films.
This rings true with us. A lot of people have given us the old line "You only get one release, that is your biggest chance for sales, don't take it lightly". The "release" is just a date. It is (in the case of Self Helpless, and lots of other micro-budget films) nothing more than the first day you can buy or download our movie. This idea of the release date as some sacred and pivotal moment seems to be a hold over from the old distributor-based distribution days. So what are some concrete actions that filmmakers can take to continue to grow their audience after they release their film?
The main idea that we have for post-release PR for Self Helpless is a demand based tour. A lot of filmmakers seem to be touring their movie in order to build an audience before their release. This didn't appeal to us. With no press, or stars, or giant youtube following, we found that it was incredibly difficult to manufacture an audience once we got away from our home zone. We still think that a screening tour would be a great way to build audiences and get a shit-ton of tail. We are going to use "demand it" to set up a post-release tour. If we can build an audience with our torrent release, then hopefully those folks will want to see Self Helpless in a theater and meet the assholes who made it.
What are some other ways that filmmakers can continue to build their audience after releasing their film? Are there things that we can do that don't cost a ton of money? Everyone would like to release an app and an online game and a graphic novel, but that just aint in the cards for us. We would love anyone's suggestions.
If you are interested in connecting with some folks who are pondering answers to similar indy distribution question, try searching #infdist on twitter.
Posted by Self Helpless at 9:11 PM 2 comments
Labels: boobies, comedy, distribution, good times, low budget, marketing, movie, post production
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Where We Been At
Since we momentarily disappeared from the interwebs, I thought I owed it to y'all to give a quick update on where we are at with Self Helpless. Over the holidays all four of us have been keeping it very "indie filmmaker" status. Adam, PK, and myself are living with our parents and working at bars and restaurants in our home towns. Pluses: no rent means we can work on the credit card bills from producing Self Helpless Minuses: there are no girls in Perkinsville, VT, and living with your dad is the definition of lame. Drick (much like his character "The Drake") is a pothead blue collar worker sponging off his successful girlfriend. Life imitates art. Embracing the lameness is allowing us to (just barely) keep our heads above water, and fund all the release expenses.
Things are moving along with the release. We are making a final, more streamlined cut of the movie based on the feedback we got during our mini theatrical tour. We should be finishing that final cut, as well as all of the DVD extras and mastering by the end of January. That will allow us to send a disc out for replication a the beginning of February. That process, in my experience, usually takes a few weeks from start to finish. That should set us up to release the torrent version of the film in early March, and the retail version one week later.
While we are working on preparing all of the media for our release, we are simultaneously working on the PR side of things. I would love to get screeners out to a few people in the upcoming release. A little bit of indie press could go a long way towards getting folks to check out SH when it is released.
Now that the holidays are over we will be back in touch, and hustling to get Self Helpless released as soon as possible.
Posted by Self Helpless at 10:29 AM 0 comments