I know we usually reserve this blog for posts about Self Helpless, but I wanted to drop a little cool on errbody for a second. While we were at SXSW we took time off from throwing Self Helpless condoms at people to put together the EOW Entertainment x Living Proof Magazine project. We interviewed 9 of the freshest musicians, filmmakers, animators, and DJs at the festival. You may already be familiar with one or two of these folks, but I guarantee you will discover some new dopeness. All of these people are on the come up and are making the art that we will be looking at and listening to in the future.
If you want to stay up on shit in the future - Living Proof Magazine comes highly recommended. You can find the small-format print version wherever you go to blow your tax return on fly gear. That thing is ghosty, it'll just be on the shelf at Supreme next to some super-double-extra-exclusive kicks, or there might be a copy next to the mixer at Fat Beats. You never know. But you can always catch up on the heat at www.livingproofmag.com. The digital version of the mag is available for download, and the blog is updated on the reg with mint photography, painting, graffiti, graphic design, mixtapes, all that good stuff.
Here are the links to the articles in no particular order:
1) Bad Rabbits - My favorite new band.
2) Harry Chaskin - Animator, and true-school stop motion aficionado.
3) Homeboy Sandman - One of the most talented MCs coming out of NYC.
4) Sol Friedman - His animated short, Junko's Shamisan is just badass.
5) Jon Reiss - O.G. filmmaker is still on the cutting edge. One of our mentors.
6) Travis Senger - I just can't love White Lines and The Fever: The Death of DJ Junebug any more.
7) Peter Ahern - Peter's short was like Calvin and Hobbes meets Ren and Stimpy. Sweet.
8) Johanne St-Marie - Just watch the fucking video and you will realize why she rules.
9) DJ Neil Armstrong - Mixtape legend, Jay-Z's tour DJ, and my favorite DJ of all time.
You are now cooler than all of your friends. You're welcome.
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