Success!! I want to thank everyone who has helped with the bittorrent/widget release of Self Helpless. Thanks to your support our little movie has been viewed and downloaded OVER 60,000 TIMES IN ONLY ONE MONTH!!!! We have been receiving emails from people around the world who have become fans of the movie. Check out this awesome message from a fan in the UK:
"As for my support, thanks for making something worth supporting. I totally love finding free services/media/etc. out there, and i probably spend more of my money on them than the pricey mainstream stuff (and proudly so). Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of bullshit out there, but you guys made an incredibly well thought up, funny movie, and put it together perfectly. Especially wanted to credit the production quality for an indie film. Top stuff. "
Our hope with Self Helpless was to get the movie seen by as many people as possible, and you have made this a reality. Thank you.
We need your help to continue to move Self Helpless forward. If you have streamed or downloaded Self Helpless, please consider picking up a DVD, t-shirt, mug, or ashtray from our store. If you are short on cash we have a digital download of the ad-free director's cut available for under $10. All of our merchandise was designed in house, and made in the USA. To thank our fans for their support, we have created a thank you page where you can pick up a discounted DVD or digital download. Anything you can afford makes a huge difference.
Discounted merchandise here:

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