After 2 years of busting our asses and sequestered like hermits, I am proud to announce the official release of Self Helpless. BLAOW!!!!
I am also happy to announce that we are giving Self Helpless to you for FREE. All we ask is that you take a hit, and then pass it on. Isn't that how we all find out about the best stuff anyway? Just click on the joint below and you'll be able to get the movie without paying a dime. Our only request is that you share the movie with your friends.

Bittorrent / Widget Campaign - what the fuck?
That thingy with the joint and the video is a widget. Widgets are basically little posters that you can put on your Facebook wall or post in your blog, except they can do cool stuff like play videos or give you a free movie. They are kind of like a joint: Little, easy to share and pass around, and the best ones ones have some good shit in them.
We are basing our distribution around a bittorrent release (see
here) combined with a widget campaign. If you aren't familiar with widget posting (I know, it sounds severiously nerdy), don't worry. It couldn't be easier. Just follow the instructions and you will have the option to share the widget on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, or anything else that you use to communicate with people. Hopefully your friends will see the widget on your page, they will check out Self Helpless, and the cycle will continue.
We created a discount program to thank people for passing Self Helpless on. Anyone who posts our widget can pick up the Extended Director's Cut DVD for only $12, or the Director's Cut Digital Download for only $4.20. All you have to do is email a link to where you posted our widget to We will send you a link to the page where you can get your discounts.
Why give our movie away for free?
Take a look at your DVD collection. How many of those movies did you buy because you saw the movie and you liked it? Why would anyone buy something that they haven't had a chance to check out first? Big studios spend a lot of money trying to convince people to buy their movies. Our revolutionary idea is: make a really good, original movie, and then let people decide if they like it. We aren't exactly shaking the pillars of capitalism here, but it works for us.
Open a bottle of cheap tequila, roll a couple doobies, invite a few friends over, and enjoy some independent comedy on us.
Widget Notes:
Blogger - If you just want to blast the widget off in one article, then copy the html code and drop it in to the html tab of one of your posts. If you want to install our widget as a feature in your sidebar, then just click the B tab.
Twitter - The twitter option is weakter. You might as well just tweet a link to
Wordpress - Wordpress doesn't get down with our widget service at the moment. Bummer. If you want to post about Self Helpless you can post the image below. It will link to this page where people can get the movie for free: